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Ride your wave

December 02, 2020

Woke up in Cali today. 
It's super easy to be jealous, of any one at any point in life. luckily I’m aware enough to realize life isn’t a competition....but more like these waves 
Some days are nice and warm with sun on my back and I roll though the day. 
Other days are dark, cold and I'm all over the place.
However, wether I'm happy or sad, warm or cold, lost or found, I'm 100% at making it through every day, to fight the good fight again, to learn from my past and grow into my future. 
I don't take a single day, memory or opportunity for granite.  But I sure as hell appreciate every single one.
Wherever you are in life, love and your goals, remember, the tough days you always grow from, the good days are worth all the bad ones and for anything in between...waves always end on a beach 
Ride your wave.

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