Welcome to Helena Hundred. Helena, MT is known for its amazing trail system and we have put together what we think will show off the very best of it!
We're working on finalizing all the permits and such to make this a one of a kind event for everyone involved, not just runners but volunteers and crew as well.
Race weekend would be as follows:
Strava Club Link: https://strava.app.link/8rqe2heEPPb
Strava route: https://strava.app.link/1ZfvBd3HPPb
100 Mile race Link (*wont be able to click to purchase until we are permitted) : https://iamaddvalue.com/collections/all/products/helena-hundred?variant=42182597181482
50 Mile race Link (*wont be able to click to purchase until we are permitted): https://iamaddvalue.com/collections/all/products/helena-hundred?variant=42182620610602
Aid Stations Link (work in progress): https://1drv.ms/x/c/45c09f0fca20f831/EZ_y4-2MI-dFlfQtwpD6xJMBVidSW9ANw8oXOYnhL8idJw